We offer remote research done by library staff to anyone who is interested – fill out a research request form to get started. Fees may apply.
Automobile Quarterly Duplicates
Have you always wanted to own a set of Automobile Quarterly? Or are you missing a few issues and want to fill the holes in your collection? Consider the library’s duplicate collection! We regularly have complete, or almost complete sets, along with multiple copies of duplicate issues just waiting to find a new owner. Contact the library staff for more information, or to get on the waiting list!

Library Closings
Please note the AACA Library & Headquarters holiday closures:
- Dec. 24 – Closing at noon
- Dec. 25 – Closed
- Dec. 31 – Closing at noon
- Jan. 1 – Closed

Automotive Advertisements
Visit the AACA Library’s Automotive Advertisement website. Browse ads from all eras featuring your favorite manufacturers of cars, trucks, motorcycles, accessories, and more! Use the search feature to go right to your topic of choice, or browse popular tags like boats, celebrities, holidays, or travel. Found something you have to own? You can purchase it by contacting library staff. This collection is evolving as new material is scanned and uploaded.

The AACA Library and Research Center is open free to the public during our regular hours of operation for individual research. There are no fees for on-site research besides copies and digital scans.
While visiting the library you can view any of our books or look at specific information regarding one of your cars or maybe just an automobile topic that you are interested in. We offer remote research done by library staff to anyone who is interested – fill out a research request form to get started. Fees may apply.
- Annual Membership: $45
- Student Membership: $12
- Lifetime Membership: $700
- Military Membership: Complimentary
The AACA Forums are packed with incredible info. From restoration projects to technical issue conversations to buy/sell opportunities, our Forums are open to you.
As a 501 (c)(3) charitable nonprofit corporation, the AACA Library & Research Center appreciates your donations whether in the form of a bequest, gift of cash, collectibles or literature. Gifts of vehicles and automotive collectibles are welcome. All contributions are deductible from state and federal income tax to the extent allowed by law.