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Donations & Giving

Material Donations

The AACA Library & Research Center accepts donated material in the form of literature, books, artwork, manuals, periodicals, toys/models, etc. If we are unable to add donated material to our collection we will sell it to raise money for the library. Upon receipt of materials, the library will provide the donor with a letter acknowledging the gift. This letter will recognize the amount of items donated, but will not provide an appraisal or estimate of the value of the donated material.

Please contact the library prior to donating material either by mail or in person. 

For more information on donating materials and to view our full Collection Development Policy.

Monetary Donations

As a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization, the AACA Library & Research Center appreciates your donations whether in the form of a bequest, gift of cash, collectibles or literature. Gifts of vehicles and automotive collectibles are also welcome. All contributions are deductible from state and federal income tax to the extent allowed by law.

Your generous support will help to preserve our automotive heritage and will further the library’s goals to maintain our extensive automotive research facility, serve as a valuable resource, provide historical research concerning the origins and the development of motorized vehicles, assist hobbyists, and aid in restoration and preservation efforts.

Donations may be mailed to the library at:

AACA Library & Research Center
800 W. Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033

Endowment Fund and Estate Planning

For information on Endowment and Estate Planning click below.